If you have any questions or need any additional information on the below AAI Golf Tournament sign-up or sponsorship's, please reach out to Levi Stowe via the below contact information.
Email: LStowe.AAI@gmail.com
Please email the below address with your sponsorship level so we can reserve your spot.
All checks are to be mailed to:
Aledo Athletics Inc.
P.O. Box 224
Aledo, TX 76008

Email: sponsor@aledoathletics.com

In addition to the above, you will also be receiving the following for your gracious donation:
-Your logo and a link to your website on our AledoAthletics.com site
-Follow, Like and Share of any public content you've put out on your Facebook and Instagram platforms
-Multiple platform social media shout outs with your company name, thanking you for your donation and a link back to your website